Re: How was the majordomo bug found ?

Brent Chapman (brent@GreatCircle.COM)
Thu, 09 Jun 1994 12:49:16 -0700

"Vincent D. Skahan" <> writes:

# (Graham Toal writes:)
# > The correct way to write such programs needs a bit more publicity
# > I suspect.  I'd knock up a 'how to' except that I'm really up to
# > my ankles in alligators at the moment and will be for the next month...
# Without getting into the details of how long things were known since that
# gets into flame bait, I'd kind'a like to hear exactly how the hole(s) were
# found to learn better how to set up the appropriate traps to find such things
# as soon as they get used...

I first heard about it Monday evening at 5pm.  I don't have any idea
how long the crackers have known about the problem.  I received a copy
of one of the exploit scripts from someone who I won't name (though
they should feel free to name themselves, if they'd like; I know
they're reading this, and I appreciate their work).

Brent Chapman         | Great Circle Associates  | Call or email for info about
Brent@GreatCircle.COM | 1057 West Dana Street    | upcoming Internet Security 
+1 415 962 0841       | Mountain View, CA  94041 | Firewalls Tutorial dates